Saya belum pernah belajar musik / memainkan alat musik… Apa bisa belajar saxophone? Meskipun begitu, belajar saxophone sebenarnya bisa dimulai dengan tipe apa saja, dengan niat dan semangat. Ketika suatu waktu nanti memutuskan untuk “pindah” ke jenis saxophone lain, alto bisa tetap disimpan bisa digunakan untuk mengajar.

Sopran lebih ringan dari alto (fisik dan breath support), tapi memerlukan pitch dan tone control yang lebih baik (bisa agak intimidating bagi pemula, bahkan intermediate player).Īlto sering direkomendasikan karena berada “di tengah2” dua jenis ini, not too heavy, not too easy, not too hard… Selain itu, harga alto relatif lebih murah untuk merk yang sama dan range produk yang sama (bandingkan alto untuk beginner dengan tenor untuk beginner dari merk yang sama). Tenor sering dianggap agak terlalu berat, baik secara fisik alatnya maupun breath support yang diperlukan.

Untuk mulai, tipe yang paling banyak disarankan adalah alto. Key words: flash lite, guitar scales, learning applications.Ini dia bagian ketiga dari kumpulan beberapa pertanyaan yg sering diajuin ke gw tentang mulai belajar saxophone: The tones on the application will be displayed one by one according to the interval scales, by using technology flash lite the tones will be included in each frame and timeline, and the guitar scale application will be easy to be built and implemented on mobile devices. Some scales that will be discussed in the application is minor scales, major scales, minor and major pentatonic, major keys, minor keys, major 7th and minor 7th keys, guitar playing techniques two string guitar arpeggio techniques, hammer on, pull off, bending techniques, and discuss the jazz minor scales modes. The learning media to be built with flash lite technology is the application of learning guitar scales. Flash lite is a technology that will be used to build such applications. Based on this, the final project is to build a learning application that will be implemented on mobile devices. At this time, mobile technology is a technology that is practical and very popular, by using the mobile devices as a learning medium, the user can make the process of learning in addition to using books. Along with the development of information technologies both in computer technology and the mobile technology, has been widely used to build various learning applications based on mobile devices.

The learning media can be a book, a television that has educational programs, and the Internet by using the web technology. Learning is an activity that involves students and the learning media.